The Art of “Managing Up”

A Guide to Effective Communication with Higher-Ups

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In any workplace, effective communication and collaboration are essential for success. However, there may be times when employees encounter challenges or concerns that require attention from higher-ups. This is where the art of managing up comes into play — the ability to effectively communicate with those in positions of authority. Here’s a guide on when and how to manage up issues in the workplace:

Identifying the Right Time

Knowing when to bring up an issue to your superiors is crucial. Here are some scenarios that warrant upward management:

Stagnant Progress: If you find that a project or task is not progressing as expected due to external factors beyond your control, it may be time to seek guidance from your manager.

Conflicting Priorities: When faced with conflicting priorities or unclear directives, discussing these challenges with your supervisor can help align expectations and priorities.

Resource Constraints: If you’re struggling with inadequate resources such as budget, manpower, or tools, raising this concern with higher management can help find solutions.

Employee Concerns: When you notice issues affecting team morale or productivity, addressing them with your superiors can lead to improvements in the work environment.

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Approaching Upward Management

Once you’ve identified an issue that requires upward management, it’s important to approach the situation tactfully. Here’s how to do it effectively:

Prepare and Be Specific: Before meeting with your supervisor, gather relevant information and facts about the issue. Clearly articulate the problem, its impact, and any potential solutions you’ve considered.

Choose the Right Time and Medium: Schedule a meeting with your manager at a time when they’re likely to be receptive and have the bandwidth to discuss the issue. Depending on the urgency and complexity of the problem, choose between an in-person meeting, phone call, or email.

Focus on Solutions: Instead of dwelling solely on the problem, emphasize potential solutions or strategies to address it. Be open to feedback and collaboration, demonstrating your commitment to finding a resolution.

Maintain Professionalism: Approach the conversation with professionalism and respect. Avoid placing blame or criticizing others, and instead, focus on constructive dialogue aimed at improving the situation.

Follow Up: After discussing the issue, follow up with your supervisor to ensure that any agreed-upon actions are being implemented. This demonstrates your commitment to driving positive change and reinforces your proactive approach to problem-solving.


Effectively managing up is an invaluable skill that empowers employees to address challenges and drive positive change in the workplace. By identifying the right time to raise issues with higher management and approaching these conversations with preparation, professionalism, and a solutions-oriented mindset, individuals can contribute to a more collaborative and productive work environment.

Remember, managing up is not about undermining authority but rather about fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared accountability for success.

About 9Dot: 9Dot is an HR organization that helps schools and mission-driven organizations take care of their people with comprehensive HR support.

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